Customized Burnout Consultation Services
Job-related burnout can be mitigated, alleviated, and prevented, but only with intentional and concerted effort. NCPHP now offers an individualized plan to address job-related burnout in medical providers. This plan includes an organizational evaluation, an assessment of medical provider burnout and a review of group dynamics. In today’s healthcare environment, there is no doubt that burnout is affecting the health and wellness of your organization.
NCPHP’s Customized Burnout Consultation Services:
Employee turnover
Patient complaints
Employee complaints
Disruptive behavior
Malpractice/lawsuit claims
Negative social media feedback
Patient attrition
Employee Retention
Patient satisfaction
Employee wellness
Employee morale
Productivity/Patient care
Innovation and creativity
among employees
The above factors can and will result in significant cost savings for your organization.
Our tailored plan includes the following:
- Structured interviews with critical and C-level stakeholders, identified providers, customers, and populations served
- Electronic surveys of provider burnout and practice attributes to determine the forces driving job-related burnout
- Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)
- Maslach Area of Worklife Survey (MAWS)
- Collaboration with Mindgarden, Inc. (owner and distributor of MBI and MAWS; to create customized surveys specific to the needs of your organization
- Presentation of interview and survey results to identified organizational stakeholders
- Facilitation of a working session to collaborate on concrete solutions and a schedule for implementation, as well as designing tailored workplace interventions that foster engagement in the workplace
- Design and implement a plan to track progress, including follow up interviews and surveys at identified intervals to measure progress and re-evaluate organizational goals and needs; re-evaluate areas for additional improvement and identify areas for more focused interventions
- Conduct a debriefing with organization stakeholders to adjust current intervention strategies or design and implement new ones, as needed.
NCPHP’s Customized Burnout Consultation Services addresses job-related burnout as a core component of NCPHP’s mission to help providers and patients by “Encouraging the well-being and recovery of medical professionals through compassion, support, accountability, and advocacy.”
Contact 919-870-4480 for additional information about our Customized Burnout Consultation Services.