General FAQs about the North Carolina Professionals Health Program

How do I make a referral to NCPHP?

You may call (919) 870-4480 or (800) 783-6792 to make a confidential referral. Please visit the referrals page for additional information about the referral process.


What services does NCPHP offer potentially impaired medical professionals?

NCPHP initially provides for an understanding and supportive meeting. This may lead to referral for assessment or treatment, if needed. NCPHP primarily providers monitoring, advocacy, and support services.


How is NCPHP funded?

NCPHP is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Our funding comes from a variety of sources, including the North Carolina Medical Board, North Carolina Board of Pharmacy, North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board, North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants and the North Carolina Medical Society. Additional funds come from donations and monitoring fees.


What happens to the referred medical professional? Is his/her medical license in jeopardy?

Medical professionals licensed in North Carolina, who are not already known to their respective licensing board, may remain anonymous as long as NCPHP can establish they are safe to practice, or they have withdrawn themselves from practice while in treatment.

Is my participation with NCPHP kept confidential?

Yes. Your information is not conveyed to anyone outside of NCPHP without a written release signed by you, even if your licensure board has referred you.

What is the nature of the relationship between NCPHP and the North Carolina Medical Board?

NCPHP operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with the North Carolina Medical Board and the North Carolina Medical Society.  NCPHP has similar MOU’s with the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy and the North Carolina Board of Veterinary Medicine.

Is the North Carolina Medical Board informed about all referrals to NCPHP?

If the North Carolina Medical Board refers a physician, physician assistant, or other medical professional, it is with the understanding that relevant information regarding the individual’s ability to practice will be communicated as appropriate. Individuals who are self-referred or referred by other entities, such as employers or hospitals, remain anonymous as noted above.


Under what circumstances is an anonymous referral reported to the North Carolina Medical Board?

Any changes in anonymity status are rare, taken very seriously, and are always made in conjunction with input from the NCPHP Compliance Committee (similar to a hospital Medical Executive Committee). NCPHP rarely sees the need to break anonymity (<1% of the time over the last five years). Anonymity is broken if the individual is unable to remain abstinent from substances and refuses to seek treatment, or other circumstances such that NCPHP cannot advocate for the individual’s ability to practice safely.

What is a Caduceus meeting?

Caduceus groups are 12-Step fellowship meetings specifically for medical professionals.

Where can I find information about physician health programs in other states?

The Federation of State Physician Health Programs maintains a complete listing of each state’s program, including contact information and available services.