NCPHP was founded in 1988 with the idea that by taking care of physicians and getting them the help they need, patient care and safety is protected.
By using NCPHP services, hospitals and other medical practices can potentially avoid the difficult, and often very expensive, consequences of a medical provider’s substance use disorder, mental health issue, or workplace behavior problem. These consequences may include poor quality of care, decreased productivity, patient and staff complaints, increased turnover, higher rates of absenteeism, increased malpractice risk, and lost revenue.
NCPHP excels at helping healthcare organizations determine next steps in dealing with provider issues. A simple phone call to our clinical team can provide advice and expertise that is confidential in nature. Simultaneously, physicians and other medical providers have a place they can get the help they need independent from their workplace. This is a win-win situation for the employer and the employee. NCPHP sees the involvement of stakeholders such as medical staff or hospital leadership as vital to the success of those participating in our program.
Professional health monitoring programs are touted in the literature as providing one of the most successful methods for rehabilitation of professionals struggling with substance use disorders, mental health issues, and workplace behavior problems. We often see success rates (success defined as working in their chosen profession) of 85 – 90% for monitored professionals. 1 We believe that objective and random screening protocols, combined with personal ongoing interaction with NCPHP staff, and involvement of workplace monitors, therapists, and specialty providers contributes to this success.
Attracting and keeping quality employees is one of the major expenses for any healthcare organization. Current estimates for recruiting a new physician employee range from $150,000 to $1 million, not to mention the loss of income if a position is vacated or left unfilled. Just one referral to NCPHP can potentially save an organization hundreds of thousands of dollars in replacement costs and lost revenue.
Another benefit of referral to NCPHP is the potential reduction of malpractice risk. A recent study by the Colorado Physicians Health Program (CPHP)2, in cooperation with a medical malpractice company, found that CPHP participants had an increased risk of malpractice before monitoring and a decreased risk of malpractice after successfully completing their monitoring program.
For over 25 years, NCPHP has been helping physicians save their medical careers. We believe healthy providers make for healthy patients. Therefore, referring a provider to NCPHP is good for them, their patients, and your organization.
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