and Pharmacy Personnel

NCPHP provides North Carolina’s pharmacists and pharmacy personnel with identification, evaluation, monitoring and advocacy support for substance use issues. This allows them to participate in a sustainable recovery program and serve the public in a safe manner.


NCPHP works collaboratively with the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy (NCBOP) to protect the public by evaluating, monitoring, and referring for assessment and/or treatment, pharmacists and pharmacy personnel where there is a concern regarding the ability to practice pharmacy with safety and skill due to a substance use disorder.



NCPHP’s referrals come from the NCBOP, hospitals, employers, colleagues, and self-referrals, among other sources.


Self-referrals are well received and highly recommended, as preemptively seeking assistance demonstrates a willingness to address a potential issue before patient care is affected. If you are considering self-referral, you may want to complete these self-assessment questionnaires.


The NCBOP is dedicated to helping pharmacists and pharmacy personnel dealing with substance use disorders and, in doing so, fulfilling their mission of protecting the public. Pharmacists and pharmacy personnel can self-refer to NCPHP and remain anonymous to the NCBOP. If you are considering self- referral or referring someone you know, please contact us for help in doing so.


Learn more about referrals.



L. Stanley Haywood Recovery Fund

The Board of Pharmacy and NCPHP established the L. Stanley Haywood Recovery Fund in April 2018. It provides financial support to qualifying pharmacists and pharmacy personnel in need of substance use assessment, treatment, and monitoring services. Stan Haywood served for thirteen years as a member of the Board of Pharmacy. Stan well understood the public health toll of untreated substance use disorders. He championed proactive efforts to lessen this toll, including his spearheading the Fund’s creation. The Fund’s mission to make substance use treatment services more accessible is a fitting, and enduring, legacy for Stan, who lived his life as a servant leader at the local, state, and national levels.


The L. Stanley Haywood Recovery Fund is available to help financially challenged practitioners obtain an assessment and/or treatment when participants lack sufficient funds or insurance might not otherwise be available. The scholarship fund comes from contributions made by licensees of the NCBOP or individual donors. To apply, complete this form.


Michael W. Wilkerson, MD Family Assistance Fund

Michael W. Wilkerson, MD served as Medical Director of NCPHP from 1998-2004.  During his tenure, he made many contributions toward building and strengthening the program that has helped so many North Carolina medical professionals.  In honor of Dr. Wilkerson, and at the suggestion of his wife, the Michael W. Wilkerson, MD Family Assistance Fund was established.  These scholarship funds are provided to family members to give them the opportunity to participate in the family program at the treatment center or to allow family members to seek outpatient therapy as an integral part of the recovery process.  The fund may also be used to financially assist struggling families in helping to meet other critical family needs while their family member is in treatment (e.g., utility bills, mortgage, groceries, etc.).


Specific Uses:

  • To facilitate attendance to family week activities during participant’s treatment program (cost of attendance, travel expenses, etc.).  Receipts or verification of expected expenses will be required prior to reimbursement.
  • To facilitate treatment for family members (residential & outpatient).  Documentation of treatment expense will be required prior to reimbursement.
  • To assist financially struggling families meet household needs while family member is in treatment.  Receipts will be required prior to reimbursement.

Maximum scholarship per family is limited to $1,500 per calendar year (January to December).  To apply, complete this form.

How do I know if I need help from NCPHP with a substance use disorder?